Yanai Alon Domev
“I can say with confidence that life is divided into two: Before the motorcycle tour and After the motorcycle tour!”
Toward the age of 50, I was bitten by the two-wheel bug… as many like me seem to suffer.
However in my case, I have only basic riding experience and do not own a motorcycle of any kind. So, against all reasonable logic and sense of responsibility, I decided to fulfill my fantasy, with no less than a week long tour with Sapirience to Central Italy.
Before you know it, I was in the zone. Every day I’d get great advice from the top riders in our group and then I’d face my fears, trust in my capabilities and succeed! However none of this would have been possible without the pure positivity, patience, and professionalism of Sapirience. The routes, the sites, the culinary experience, the top level accommodations that were simply the best, and of course, the wonderful group of riders that Sapirience is able to gather again and again. After the end of our week on tour, with the experience, self-realization and personal victory behind me, I can say with confidence that life is divided into two: Before the motorcycle tour and After the motorcycle tour!
The trip is an extraordinary opportunity to get riding training for a variety of road conditions and weather, and improve technique, even among veteran riders …