Gal Avkin
Coordination & Logistics Manager
A free-spirited flower-child, parties, music festivals, yoga master, mother of 2 little ones … residing on a kibbutz in northern Israel situated on the picturesque streams between the Galilee and the Golan.
Gal is Sapirience’s VERY FIRST employee! In fact, our acquaintance originates through family & friends years earlier. And at every run-in since our first trip together back in 2009, Gal would ask – “Come on, when can I start working at Sapirience?”
In 2013 this finally happened, and since then she has been impeccably managing our Coordination & Logistics Department. It’s a complex job that requires her to have a full and clear picture of all our tours in every direction, directly working and dealing with all our suppliers and partners, juggling and closing every last detail! From motorcycles and hotels, through menu selection, to customer requests, preferences, questions & coordination … and of course ultimately packaging it up for our road-team who finally brings it to life.
Certainly not a simple task, but Gal not only has a fine, precise work ethic … but also a special character that allows her to be both – likable and assertive. Both smiling and sharp. Both Cordial and matter-of-fact (effective!)
So don’t be confused by the fairy dust she sprinkles around her – cause she is fierce! And the high level of accuracy, smooth running tours and all that is at the very root of Sapirience – is very much thanks to her !!